April 2, 2020
Dear Midway Members,
Well, it looks like we are in lock down mode through the end of April. I am sure that we are all wishing this was all behind us and things were back to normal and hopefully they soon will be. I am missing seeing each of you and our times together. It seems so strange not to be going to church regularly.
There are several things for which we need to bind together in prayer — We need to keep praying for the success of everyone working on the cures and vaccines for Covid-19. We need to pray for those on the front lines in this fight — our doctors, nurses, and all other health workers. Pray for those who have Covid-19 and for those who are trying to recover from it.
We need to pray for our President and his team as they battle this pandemic and make daily decisions for our country.
Please pray for one another and all of our loved ones throughout this time of anxiety and danger.
Pray for our economy and those who are losing their jobs that God would supply their needs and that soon our economy would be restarted.
Pray for the churches that will be and possibly already are struggling financially because of this crisis.
Pray for America that this situation we are facing might bring this country back to recognizing that we truly NEED God and His mercy.
Pray for Bro Dennis and Ms. Jolaine and all of the Missionaries we support.
We may not be able to assemble together right now but we can pray together for these and so many more burdens.
We have cancelled the services as requested by our President through April 30th. We still plan to have a sermon for you on our website each Sunday.
We have set up a Pay Pal account to receive tithes and offerings and the link is now on our website. Thank you to those who have already begun to use this method. Others are mailing their offerings directly to the church. Thank you for your continued support.
Again, for our senior members, if you need someone to get your groceries or medicines, we will be glad to help you with those things — there are several people who will help — my cell number is 214-232-3038.
Thank you all for your understanding and support.
Rest assured that we love you and that we look forward to our being back together very soon.
Take Care,
Bro Ed